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Company Profile

Zen Co.Ltd is one of the genuinely established Japan based company. We deal with all kinds of Japanese vehicles and machineries, Left Hand Drive (LHD) and Right Hand Drive (RHD) vehicles including American and European luxury motors. We have good relationship with Japanese car dealers and we are also active member of major Japanese USED CAR AUCTION such as TAA, CAA, USS, JU, ARAI, JAA, ZIP, BCN, ORIX, etc. Our long term experience in vehicular business would definitely guide us to provide customer with their choice of vehicles and even we can provide easy guidelines to new buyers, information is free, feel free to contact us.

Company Details

Company Name Zen Co. Ltd.
Representative Director Mr. Adhikari Govinda Prasad
HQ Office 3-13-25, Shiroshita, Hachinohe City, 031-0072, Aomori ken Japan
Branch office 3724 Shimami Cho, Aza Sakanoshita, Kita-ku, Niigata - 950-3102, Niigata Ken, Japan
Branch Office 1-66-3, Higashiokamisawa, Misawa City Aomori Ken Japan
Phone +81-178-20-9096
Fax +81-178-20-9097
Mobile +81-902-951-4626
E-mail info@zencoltd.com
Website www.zencoltd.com
Bank Name Sbi Sumishin Net Bank
Account Number Saving A/c 1537391
Swift Code NTSS JPJT
Branch Hojin Dai Ichi
Branch Code 106
Acccount Holder Name Zen Co. Ltd.
Bank Address Saitama Ken Osato-gun Yori-cho Yori 389-1
Business Type Exporter, Auction Agent, Dealer
Deals In Vehicles, Trucks, Machinery
Language English, Japanese, Russian, Hindi, Nepali

Zen Co. Ltd. Sales Representatives

Name: Ghan Shyam Sapkota (sam)

Phone: +8190-2951-4626

Email: info@zencoltd.com

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